Throughout January & February Farrall’s Group & Knauf Insulation worked with CNG Fuels UK to trial a Scania CNG HGV to see how a greener fuel alternative would help reduce their carbon footprint. Bio-CNG fuel is 92% cleaner than diesel and by 2023 this figure will move to 100%, effectively making a CNG vehicle carbon neutral! The vehicle was trialed on Farrall’s Groups South Wales operation dedicated to Knauf Insulation. The results of the trial proved that they would see over 90% reduction in CO2 produced per truck per annum. As a result, Farrall’s Group is planning to order a first batch of CNG vehicles to be fully operational in 2023.

‘We’ve been amazed by the results from the Scania CNG trial and seeing the reduction in carbon emissions they could offer on our fleet’ says Matthew Farrall, Farrall’s Group Managing Director. ‘CNG vehicles would be ideal to first be implemented into our Knauf Insulation contract, as part of our joint continuous improvement programme within the supply chain. We are always reviewing ways in which we can improve our carbon footprint and be smarter in how we operate, transitioning to CNG fuel would appear to be the next logical step in this journey’ he continues. 

Mike Gabriel, Supply Chain Director at Knauf Insulation, comments ‘As the UK’s largest insulation manufacturer, our products play a key role in reducing the nation’s carbon emissions. Our Glass Mineral Wool already contains the lowest embodied carbon of any mainstream insulation material. Working with Farrall’s Group to move towards a CNG-fuelled fleet will help us to further reduce the environmental impact of our products, so we can deliver on the commitments we’ve made in our ‘For A Better World’ sustainability strategy.’

The logistics sector is one that is having to face & overcome many challenges with moving towards greener fuels. Electric trucks are currently not able to offer the range or the infrastructure to allow for the continued rates of delivery, whereas CNG offers quick, clean fueling and a growing nationwide fueling solution meaning no disruption to supply chains.

Farrall’s Group are looking forward to the possibility of joining many other great logistics companies in being fueled by CNG, so keep your eyes peeled for more exciting news as they continue to improve their fleet carbon footprint!
